Tax Advantages in Health Tourism

As almost everyone is familiar with, Health Tourism activities have become a service export sector that provides high foreign exchange earnings for those who provide this service. Of course, you will appreciate that every income is taxed and taxed income is sacred.
In this article, we will talk about the tax advantages that individuals, institutions and organizations that have a health tourism authorization certificate can benefit from.
There are 2 types of tax advantages for Health Tourism. These,
Value Added Tax (VAT) Exemption,
Corporate or Income Tax Deduction.
Let's first take a look at what these terms mean.
What is VAT Exemption?
Value Added Tax Exemption means that institutions holding International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate are exempt from VAT on the invoices issued for foreign patients they bring from abroad and provide health care services, that is, the VAT rate is 0% on the service invoice issued under these conditions.